October Ales and Tales to Feature
“Jack ” A Solo Performance by Michael Huie
Be taken back to the unforgettable autumn of 1888 in this thrilling one-man show. Experience the atmosphere and social conditions of White Chapel, on the East End of London, and the poverty-ridden urban area where the world’s first-recognized serial killer hunted his prey.
Spend an October evening in Stokes County’s newest cultural venue enjoying this theatrical show based on Jack the Ripper, October 20th & 21st at The Arts Place of Stokes, 502 N. Main Street in Danbury. Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served at 6:30pm and the performance will begin at 7:30pm. Tickets are $20 in advance for Stokes County Arts Council members, $25 in advance for non-members, and $30 day of show. Wine and beer (21 & up) are included in the ticket price.
Proceeds from the event will support Community Theatre programs of the Stokes County Arts Council.