
We appreciate all the individuals and organizations that support the arts. It is these members that help us keep the Stokes County arts experience alive and thriving. If you are interested in donating to our capital campaign at the Stokes County Arts Council there are 3 ways to do this. You may:

  1. Call us at 336-593-8159.

  2. Mail in your donation.
    Stokes County Arts Council
    500 N. Main Street
    PO Box 66
    Danbury, NC 27016

  3. Donate online via paypal or youcaring. You do not need to open a PayPal account just click the donate button below. You will receive an email receipt from PayPal for your donation.

Giving Options

Levels of Giving

Cornerstone Gift Plan…………………………….$50,000 +
Five Annual Gifts $10,000 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $833
Pacesetter Gift Plan…………………………….$30,000 +
Five Annual Gifts $6,000 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $500
Visionary Gift Plan…………………………….$20,000 +
Five Annual Gifts $4,000 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $333
Benefactor Gift Plan…………………………….$12,500 +
Five Annual Gifts $2,500 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $208
Platinum Circle Gift Plan…………………………….$10,000 +
Five Annual Gifts $2,000 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $167
Gold Circle Gift Plan…………………………….$5,000+
Five Annual Gifts $1000 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $83
Silver Circle Gift Plan…………………………….$2,500 +
Five Annual Gifts $500 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $42
Bronze Circle Gift Plan…………………………….$1,000 +
Five Annual Gifts $200 or Sixty Monthly Gifts $17
Chairman’s Circle Gift…………………………….$500

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