Trivia Night returns to Thursday evenings at The Arts Place on Thursday, October 10th!
Bring your family, bring your friends, meet new friends at the Arts Place. Teams of 4-6 players will compete each month for monthly, yearly and quarterly prizes. A leader board will be kept each month.
How It Works:
1) Form a Team create a team name (Smarty Pants, Looney Tunes, Know-It-All’s)
2) Collaborate and answer 4 rounds of 10 questions from categories similar to (Broadway, Sports, Classic TV, State Flags, Mathematics, English, Crime Shows, Movies, Art, World, US History, and General Knowledge) to name a few.
3) At the end of each round sheets are collected and tallied. Teams have a chance to have questions re read.
4) Enjoy snacks, drinks, coffee, ice cream and a meal all the while enjoying a fun time trying to make your way thru easy and stumping questions.
5) After about an hours time the top 5 will be read aloud and prizes given to participants who top the charts at 1st.